Clicking road junctions displays a close-up view 
On the map we are located at OS
grid reference : 296200, 171500 or OS 100m British grid reference (landranger): SS962715
1.5 miles due North of Llantwit
Major along the B4270. (B4270 becomes the B4268).
For more details try one
of the following links | Streetmaps Uses Ordinance Survey maps. Bigger maps, a little clunky to load. Gives
the best zoom detail and shows a natty "We are here" arrow.
But doesn't zoom out far. | Very detailed zoom | County level zoom | | Ordinance Survey Maps direct from the
government. May be a little slow. No pointer provided. We are located at
the direct map center. | Detailed zoom | County level zoom | | Expedia Uses maps from Microsoft.
Least detailed, but does zoom out to show the whole globe - useful if
you're visiting our planet for the first time. | - | County level zoom |