Llandow Kart Club -
Constitution & Rules
1. Title. The name of the club shall be the Llandow Kart Club herein after referred to as ‘the Club’.
2. Interpretation. In these rules:-
2.1 The ‘Committee’, means the Committee as defined in Rule 8.2.
2.2 ‘Driving Members’, means those members who pay the yearly subscription as determined at the Annual General Meeting and shall have the use of all the facilities provided by the Club.
2.3 ‘Supporter Members’ means those who pay the yearly subscription applicable to supporter members as determined at the Annual General Meeting.
2.4 ‘Honorary Members’, means those members who are given free membership by the Club and who shall have rights equal to those of ‘Driving Members’.
2.5 ‘General Meeting’, includes the Annual General Meeting and any Extraordinary Meetings.
2.6 ‘Financial Year’, in respect of the Club, the ‘Financial Year’ shall begin on the 1st January and end on the 31st December.
3. Management. The Club’s supreme governing body will be the Annual General Meeting. The day to day management of the Club shall be vested in the Committee as defined in 8.2.
4. Affiliation. The Club shall be affiliated to the recognized Governing Body of the sport of karting in the United Kingdom and any other bodies deemed desirable to the Committee and Membership.
5. Objects. The ‘Objects’ of the Club are to promote Karting and Kart racing and in particular:-
5.1 To provide Club members and members of the public with information, advice and assistance on matters connected with Karting.
5.2 To promote fairness and objectivity in Kart competitions in accordance with the requirements of the Llandow Kart Club.
5.3 To promote a family oriented sport and other social meetings.
5.4 To encourage beginners in the ways of Karting and existing karters to improve their skills.
5.5 To foster and promote the Sport of Karting under the General Competition Rules of the Governing Body of the Sport, including any other rules agreed from time to time by the Club Committee and agreed at the Annual General Meeting.
6. Membership. The ‘Membership’ shall consist of ‘Driving’, ‘Supporter’ and ‘Honorary’ Members.
6.1 Persons of not less than eight years of age shall be eligible for membership.
6.2 Notwithstanding the provision of Rule 6.1 above, the Committee shall have the power to allocate membership to persons under the age of eight years under the condition that the Committee obtain from the parent or guardian of the person in question that, strict supervision of that person will be exercised by the parent or guardian, when that person is using the Club facilities.
6.3 Membership of under eights will be identified as a ‘Bambino’ class.
6.4 ‘Driving’ membership of the Club shall be open to individuals interesting in Karting, who agree to abide by all the ‘rules’ of the Club and have been duly approved by the Committee and have paid the membership fee.
6.5 Where a family has more than one Driving Member living at the same address then the other driver’s membership fee shall be reduced as determined at the Annual General Meeting.
6.6 ‘Supporter’ membership shall be available to any individual interested in Karting, such membership to carry access to all Club facilities, with the exception of the use of the racing circuit on race days only.
6.7 ‘Honorary’ membership may be granted, or withdrawn, at the Annual General Meeting, to any person deemed worthy by the Committee and Membership. Such person shall not be liable to pay the annual membership fee.
6.8 The Committee will not discriminate on the grounds of race, religion, gender or ability (subject to insurance or Karting ability issues) but may at its sole discretion, decline to accept or renew membership, from any person.
6.9 It is a condition of Club membership that all members agree to accept the Constitution and Rules of the Club, which are in force during the period of membership.
7. Annual General Meeting. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Club shall be held at least once annually and within two months of the end of the financial year.
7.1 ‘Notice’. At least fifteen days before the date of the AGM, notice shall be given in writing, or by electronic mail, by the Secretary to each member, stating the date, time and place of the meeting together with the agenda of the business as it shall be arranged by the Committee. Only current members of the Club may vote. At a General meeting twenty members shall form a quorum.
7.2 Election to the Committee shall be open to paid up members of the Club.
7.3 Election of Officers and Committee: At the AGM the Officers and Committee shall be elected and shall hold office until the next AGM following. Nominations of candidates for election to the Committee must be received by the Secretary not less than thirty days before the AGM with an intimation, in writing, signed by each member nominated, that he or she is willing to serve. Nominations of candidates shall be signed by the member proposing them. Nominations of candidates for election to the Committee will only be accepted from the floor of the AGM if insufficient nominations for the post to be elected have not been received by the Secretary in the manner prescribed.
7.4 Annual Reports and Accounts: The Chairman shall submit to the AGM an annual report on the activities of, and any other matters concerning the Club, which have occurred during the past year and the Committee members present will support and help the Chairman to this end.
7.5 The Treasurer shall submit a financial report for the year ended 31st December immediately prior to the AGM. The financial report shall first be independently verified by a suitably qualified person or firm who is not a member of the Committee of the Club. A formal Audit of the financial report shall only be required if the gross income has exceeded £250,000. The AGM shall approve the appointment of the independent person or firm for the following year.
7.6 Propositions: Notice of all motions for consideration at an AGM must be received, by the Secretary, signed by at least two members, not less than 30 days before such meeting and such motions shall be included in the agenda of the AGM.
7.7 Subscriptions: Members present at the AGM shall agree the annual subscription.
7.8 The Committee shall determine the order of business on the AGM.
7.9 Normally the Agenda for the AGM would be:- Notice of the AGM. Apologies received. Minutes of the previous AGM Chairman – Report. Treasurer – Report. Adoption of Accounts. Election of Officers and Committee. Any other business relating to the AGM notice of which notice has been received in writing.
7.10 Special or Extraordinary General Meetings: Such meetings shall be summoned at any time by the Secretary on the instruction of the Committee or within one month of the receipt of a written request signed by not less than twenty members stating the purpose for which the meeting is to be summoned. No business other than that stated by the Committee or in the request shall be transacted at a Special or Extraordinary General Meeting. (Rule 7.1 applies in respect of Notice to Members.)
7.11 Alteration of the Constitution and Rules: No alteration of or addition to the Constitution shall be made except at the AGM or at a Special General Meeting convened for the purpose. Such notice of any proposed alteration must be sent to the Secretary in accordance with Rule 7.6. No change of the Constitution shall be accepted unless agreed by two-thirds of the voting members present at the meeting.
8. Officers and Committee. The management of the Club shall be vested in the Officers, Ex-officio and Committee and are hereby indemnified against any claim or demand made upon them in respect of any bonfide liability properly incurred on behalf of the Club.
8.1 The Officers of the Club shall be President, Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary and the Competition and Membership Secretary.
8.2 The Committee shall consist of the Officers elected, Ex-officio and thirteen elected members. The Chairman shall have, in addition, a casting vote. A Vice-Chairman shall be elected by the Committee, from amongst their number, at the first Committee Meeting following the AGM.
8.3 At all Committee Meetings five members shall form a quorum. Notice of a Committee Meeting of not less than seven days shall be given, in writing or by electronic mail.
8.4 The Committee shall have the power to co-opt members to the Committee to fill vacancies which may occur during the current year, or for a specific purpose for the benefit of the Club.
8.5 The Committee have full powers in the arranging of all competitions and in formulating Supplementary Regulations.
8.6 The Committee shall affect a Social Activities Insurance Policy to indemnify members against any third party claims made against the Club and not covered by any insurance taken out through the Governing Body of the Sport covering race meetings.
9. Expulsion of Members. Fully paid up members and non-members.
9.1 If any person, driver, team members, parents, guardians, guests or other member of the public is found to be using threatening or abusive language or behaviour at any Club activity, likely to bring the Club into disrepute and contrary to the aims and objectives of the Club.
9.2 Officials reserve the right to have the said person or persons removed from the area of activity. They will be reported to the Committee of the Club who have the right to impose any disciplinary action deemed necessary on that person or persons, under rules 9.3, 9.4 and 9.5.
9.3 In regard to 9.1, a member will be held accountable for the behaviour of any connected team members or associated persons who are not members.
9.4 Refusal and cancellation of membership: The Committee shall have the power to refuse any application for membership, or to suspend or cancel, at any time, any existing membership.
9.5 The Committee shall inform a member that their membership has been refused, withdrawn, suspended or cancelled. That person may appear before the Committee to make representations or to make representations in writing, or if an existing full member, he or she may have the right of appeal to a Special General Meeting provided notice is given, in writing, to the Secretary within fifteen days of the notice of suspension being served.
9.6 A member whose membership has been suspended or cancelled under this Rule shall not have any claim on the Club for any subscription or fees paid.
10. Payment of Subscription. The annual subscription covers the year from the 1st January to the following 31st December.
10.1 The subscription shall be due on the 1st January each year. Any current member, who has not paid their annual subscription by the first race day of the year, shall be excluded from that and any subsequent race and will not be eligible for Championship Points, until their subscription is paid in full.
11. Observance and Interpretation of Rules.
11.1 Every member agrees to abide by the Rules of the Club and accepts as final the decision of the Committee, subject to appeal to the MSA, in all cases of dispute or disagreement.
12. Events.
12.1 Any Kart competition promoted by the Club shall be held under the regulations of the Llandow Kart Club at the time of competition.
12.2 Any member found guilty of an offence arising out of their involvement in a Club activity shall thereupon be liable to expulsion from the Club under part 9 of the Constitution.
13. Use of the Club name.
13.1 The name of the Club shall not be used in any article or advertising in any inappropriate fashion, as to bring the Club into disrepute.
14. Liability.
14.1 The Committee shall manage the affairs of the Club. Financial or Legal liability incurred in the rightful exercise of their office shall not, however, be the personal liability of the Committee, but shall be the responsibility of the Club as a whole.
14.2 All members or other persons, who attend club activities, do so at their own risk, and neither the Club nor its Officers can accept any liability for any loss or injury of any kind, howsoever sustained.
14.3 All funds raised by whatever means are to be used for the benefit of members and the furtherance of the objectives of the Club.
15. Dissolution.
15.1 A Special or Extraordinary General Meeting convened in accordance with Rule 7.1 shall be called to consider the closure of the Club. Those members present will be asked to form a sub-committee of not less than three members who will be charged with the disposal of assets held by the Club for the benefit of Karting generally. The Constitution and Rules will be reviewed annually and approved at the Annual General Meeting.