Llandow Kart Club
Track & Facilities
The South Wales Karting Centre
The track is approximately 1050 meters in length with nine corners. The surface is tarmac. All of the corners are used for the direct drive classes with the following exceptions. On the rolling lap, prior to the start, the cut throughs at The Hook and Surtees are used. The cut through at The Hook is used on the first racing lap. For gearbox classes, the same applies but with the cut through at The Hook used for ALL laps. The circuit is raced clockwise with six marshal points numbered 1 through 6 on the diagram. Competitors may park in the paddock area shown but MUST stay within the confines of the circuit (line surrounding track, paddock and facilities). Overnight stays are allowed subject to permission being obtained from the circuit owners by contacting them on 01446 795568. Please call the same number for practice times.
- Toilets.
- Disabled access.
- Water point.
- Free Parking.
- Camping, with permission of SWKC.
- Security patrols on Race Weekends.
- Live Commentary on Race Days.
- Burger Bar, A La Kart, on Race Weekends.
- Cafe, open most days and some Sundays.
- Floodlights.
- Showers.
- Changing facilities.
- Food & drink machines
- Advanced timing system.
- Llandow Kart Shop.