Some of the first time karters at the ‘Let’s Go Karting’ ‘Children in Need’ event at Llandow.
Llandow Kart Club -
Let's Go Karting
Let’s Go Karting is a nationwide campaign, funded by the Motor Sports Association, sponsored by the Llandow Kart Club and hosted at the South Wales Karting Center. The scheme aims to provide young people, from the age of 8 to 16 years, to experience the thrills of karting for only £5.
- All safety equipment, helmets and race suits are provided.
- Specially prepared karts.
- Experienced karters give full safety briefings.
- Instruction in the basic skills of karting.
- Laps on a real racing track.
Should you wish to learn more you may join the Race Academy. Attend sessions pass an Association of Kart Racing Schools test, become a MSA license holder and compete in the Landow Kart Club Championship.
To learn more about the scheme visit www.letsgokarting.net
Dates for Let’s Go Karting events will be displayed on the SWKC calendar.
Please contact 01446 795568 for times.